
Welcome To Our LIbrary

We Are Here To Serve You

View our online library catalog through LibraryWorld. We have over 13,000 books, eBooks, DVDs, and audiobooks to help you with your research. We also offer assistance to our university patrons with searching our catalog, online research, writing papers, and more. 

Contact Info

Contact Info

Phone: (910) 221-2224
Elsa McBride – Executive Director of Library Services

Help Desk

See the News Feed in Populi for Login Information and Assistance Accessing:

Checkout Information

A library card is needed to check out books. Students will use their Student ID as their library card. Non-students can purchase a Library Card for $10.00.
Undergraduate students are limited to checking out 10 books at a time for 21 days. Graduate students may check out as many as 25 books for one semester.
The full replacement cost plus $4.00 processing fee is charged for lost books.
Reference books cannot be checked out. They must be used in the library only. However photocopies may be made of pages of reference books, following copyright law.
You must bring your books to the library to renew them. Books may be renewed unless another user has placed a hold on that title.
Fines are $0.25 per day per book, with a maximum limit of $15.00 per book.
If you are a distance education student, we are happy to mail to you any books that you would like to check out.

You are responsible for their return and sending a tracking number once you mail them is highly recommended. Send your requests to >

Library Resources

Library Catalog

View the available books, eBooks, DVDs, eAudiobooks, and more in our online catalog of resources.


Audiobooks and eBooks are available. Login information is available to Manna U students and faculty in Populi’s News Feed.

ProQuest Religion Database

This incredible resource for our students contains over 300 scholarly journals. Login information is available to Manna U students and faculty in Populi’s News Feed

Manna U LibGuides

.Find more specific resources for your research such as Apologetics, Bible Study, Christian Leadership, Online Journals, Theology, Electronic Books available at other sources, etc

Logos Free Edition

Basic Bible software is now being offered free of charge. Once you’ve downloaded the software, there are training videos to get you started using Logos Free Edition. You can also sign up for Logos’ email list to receive offers for free eBook downloads each month as well as discounts on other titles.

Google Scholar

Search power of Google with an emphasis on scholarly articles

Manna U Writing Center​

Services include online resources, periodic workshops, and individualized help with writing.

Online Writing Resources for Students

Students will write many academic essays throughout the course of their education, which helps to inform them about specific topics and sharpen the writing skills they need. This guide provides information on the types of essays they may be required to write, how to conduct research, and strategies for effective proofreading.

Cumberland County Public Library & Information Center

CCPL&IC offers a wealth of information through books, databases, websites, a variety of audiovisual materials, reference services, and programming. They have nine locations throughout Cumberland County, and a library card is free to Cumberland County residents.


Online resources available for free through the Cumberland County Public Library. You must have a valid library card to use NCLive, which you can obtain at any of their nine locations throughout Cumberland County.

Acta Sanctorum

The Acta Sanctorum Database contains the text of the sixty-eight printed volumes of Acta Sanctorum published in Antwerp and Brussels by the Société des Bollandistes, from the two January volumes published in 1643 to the Propylaeum to December published in 1940.

The database also includes several indices which make Acta Sanctorum more accessible. The complete text has been captured, including all indices and the references to Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina (BHL).

Login information is available to Manna U students and faculty in Populi’s News Feed

Open Access Digital Theological Library

OADTL is a virtual library for theology, religious studies, and related disciplines. Their mission is to make all open access content in religious studies and related fields discoverable to everyone, everywhere in the world through a single search experience for free forever. The OADTL currently contains about 100,000 OA ebooks and several hundred thousand articles in religious studies. The collections also contain thousands of Ph.D. and D.Min. dissertations. The collections are growing quickly. TheOADTL offers both simple and advanced searching for content. All content is fully cataloged by professional librarians. The sponsors of the OADTL are: Claremont School of Theology, Denver Seminary, Evangelical Seminary, Gordon-Conwell Seminary, Hartford Seminary, International Baptist Theological Study Centre (Amsterdam), Lexington Seminary, and Singapore Bible College.

Carolina College of Biblical Studies

The library also has a reciprocal borrowing agreement with the Carolina College of Biblical Studies Library in Fayetteville, NC. Manna U students may borrow up to five items at CCBS using their student ID card. 

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