International Fellowship Of Chaplains
Partnership for Practical Impact
Manna University is proud to partner with the International Fellowship of Chaplains.
1) Those who complete the initial Chaplaincy Training Class through I.F.O.C. may qualify for three (3) credit hours of transfer credit into one of Manna U’s many degree programs.
2) I.F.O.C. Chaplains who complete Manna University’s Certified Advanced Chaplain (CAC) credential may qualify for an additional three (3) credit hours of transfer credit into one of Manna U’s many degree programs.
Manna University’s Certified Advanced Chaplain Credential
CED 491 is a Manna University continuing education course that can be taken by anyone who wants to improve their knowledge and skills in the field of professional chaplaincy; successful completion of this course is also one of the many requirements needed for one to become an I.F.O.C. (International Fellowship of Chaplains) Advanced Chaplain, and to earn Manna University’s CAC (Certified Advanced Chaplain) credential. Successful completion of this course is applicable as three (3) credit hours of elective credit toward many of our Manna U degree programs, including our B.A., M.A.R.S., and M.Div programs.
Both the Advanced Chaplain and CAC credentials signal that chaplains are experienced, have additional wisdom and skills, and will conduct themselves in a highly professional manner, similar to those who have attained advanced education and credentialing in other professions/fields. The I.F.O.C. Advanced Chaplain credential is comprised of the following items: 50 hours of chaplaincy experience (verified by a supervisor), foundational and advanced CISM courses, additional I.F.O.C. advanced chaplaincy training, and this CED 491 Manna University course covering the Foundations of a Professional Chaplain, Grief & Trauma, and Spirituality & Resilience. Upon successful completion of CED 491 and the I.F.O.C. Advanced Chaplaincy credential, Manna University will issue the CAC (Certified Advanced Chaplain) credential to the I.F.O.C. Advanced Chaplain credential holder.
For those who began the Process On or After May 1, 2024:
The Certified Advanced Chaplain Credential Through Manna University
Effective May 1, 2024, the following is the process for earning both the Advanced Chaplaincy (International Fellowship of Chaplains) and the Certified Advanced Chaplaincy (Manna University CAC) Credentials:
- Review I.F.O.C.’s Application for Advanced Chaplaincy documents to assess all of their requirements at
- Complete Manna University’s CED 491: Certified Advanced Chaplain course. The cost for this course is currently $230.00, to be paid online during the course registration.
- Complete 50 hours of professional chaplaincy experience, verified by a supervisor, and documented on the I.F.O.C. Application.
- Complete foundational and advanced CISM courses that are listed on the I.F.O.C. Advanced Chaplaincy Application.
- Complete additional I.F.O.C. advanced chaplaincy training options as listed on the I.F.O.C. Advanced Chaplaincy Application.
- Once all Advanced Chaplaincy requirements have been met, the student will be mailed both the I.F.O.C. Advanced Chaplaincy Credential and the Manna University Certified Advanced Chaplain credential/certificate.
Disclaimer: Chaplains who began the Advanced Chaplaincy Process with the International Fellowship of Chaplains prior to May 1, 2024 will have access to the previous version of the CAC course (CED 490) until September 1, 2024. The cost for this previous version of the course is $125.00, to be paid online during the course registration.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is the new CED 491 Certified Advanced Chaplain course different from the previous CED 490 course?
Please email if you have additional questions. For I.F.O.C. questions, visit