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Alan Winter Memorial Scholarship: A Legacy of Service

Alan Winter was a man whose life was marked by his love for God and his heart to see the lost found. Alan’s heart was to see people’s lives transformed by advancing the kingdom all over the world. To accomplish this, Alan and his wife, Heidi,  founded a missions organization known as Frontline Missions. As an organization, Frontline has pioneered across so many borders, and brought the gospel to some of the most remote places in the world. Alan’s ability to connect deeply with people from all walks of life, helped him in accomplishing this because his love for people was so genuine. His connections in different countries, specifically in South America, have been instrumental in Manna U gaining its own influence in these countries. Manna University is now involved in nations such as Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela because of Alan’s tireless efforts to both evangelize and equip people to teach the gospel. Dr. Crowther’s partnership with Mr. Winter lasted for almost 35 years, and his connection with Alan was far more than just a working relationship. As one of Dr. Crowther’s closest friends, this is what he had to say about Alan:

“He knew how to do ministry but he also knew how to have fun. He knew how to be a friend.

He was my personal encourager; everybody needs somebody in their life that they can get encouragement and be real with. You can’t replace that easily.”

“The four prominent things that stand out when I think of Alan are his integrity, his humility, his absolute, real love for people, and his ability to be a friend.’

‘He genuinely loved everyone. It sounds so trite, but even people that would threaten him or overtly hated them, he would still love them; He disarmed people because of the way he loved them.’  

‘He was good at what he did for no other reason than because of the person who he was.’”

The gratitude here at Manna U for Alan Winter’s life and legacy is immense. That is the heart and the motive behind our newest and most upcoming scholarship in his honor. The Alan Winter Memorial Scholarship is established to continue sponsoring and equipping foreign students to be trained in the work of the gospel. Alan’s influence and legacy has impacted the lives of so many people across the globe, and Manna U wishes to keep that flame alive.

For international students wishing to apply, contact Manna U at (910) 221-2224 for more information on the forthcoming application process. 

If you wish to be a donor, visit  the following link for more information:

Written by Sofia Perez.

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