Worship Leadership


Worship Leadership


Worship Leadership

What is worship leadership? For many people worship leadership is just a group of people leading the church in worship before or after a service. Worship leadership takes more than that; a worship leader has very different responsibilities to fulfill besides just singing in front of the crowd. In this blog the reader will learn a few tips to be a successful worship leader and what responsibilities they have as worship leaders.


Here are 5 tips of how to be a successful worship leader.

  •       Prepare yourself Set time aside to interact with God and let Him prepare your heart to worship Him
  •      Receive Constructive Feedback  Let others with more experience help you and teach you what you might have to fix or add to your worship plan  Be humble when responding to the feedback and don’t take it as if the other person is bossing you around remember that person is just trying to help.
  •      Have a plan     If you play an instrument figure out the keys or chords and transitions you want to use so you can have something to practice, but can also change it while practicing   If you don’t play any instruments then get together with other members of the worship team and figure out the plan together.
  •      Have an opinion  If you are a co-leader have ideas or songs in mind that you can contribute when coming up with the plan
  •      Always contribute

     Let other people listen to the song list or plan beforehand; not all services are the same which means the song list needs to be flexible.

What are the responsibilities of a worship leader?

Not only do worship leaders sing in front of the church for service but they also come up with how they want to play every song, what songs they want to play, the lighting they need, the sound system and how to record it. Many of people think of worship as just singing but there is so much more to it that we can’t see. Behind every “performance” there many other responsibilities to accomplish. Here are some examples:

     Worship leaders create a culture of worship reflecting the uniqueness of the church.

     They might sing songs that other people wrote but the way they play the songs may be different because of the uniqueness of the church, not every church is the same which means not every worship team is the same.

     They unify the church with the uniqueness of the songs.

     The uniqueness of the songs relate to how the church is or the style of the writer; what makes it unique is how the worship team transmits the connection with God to the crowd.

     They take the church where God is.

     Sometimes it’s very hard to connect with God and through worship people are able to experience the presence of God.


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