Why Bible College?


Why Bible College?


Bible colleges and secular colleges alike focus on a specific area for one’s career, have student life and opportunities for growth, have advising and counseling services, and an overall desire for every student to succeed in their education and in their life. Other than these basic areas, there are many differences between a secular and Bible college. For a school to grow they must have these components; but, the foundation (or the reasoning behind these services) often are different.


Why should you choose to go to a Bible college? Several reasons come to mind, but the most important is to get a solid foundation. According to LifeWay Research 70% of young adults stop coming to church regularly. Many other studies have been done that show large percentages of college students who claimed to be Christians before school, claim after college they are no longer Christians. Before heading off to any secular college the student should be able to have critical thinking skills and should be developed in Christian character and spiritual disciplines to stand firm and not be swayed by the difficulties of life, especially college life.


At least one year of Bible College can strengthen a student’s belief system and enable them to go to any college and into any career with a solid foundation and faith. Where previously many people would go to Bible College only if they wanted to become a pastor, missionary, or chaplain, now more and more Bible Colleges are offering programs for many more career options.


Manna University has all the basic college services, but the reasoning behind these services are not only to meet the standard, but to give life, encouragement, and assistance to students in becoming leaders that change the world. Some of the programs offered at Manna U are for those who want to be pastors, worship leaders, chaplains, missionaries, but also CEOs, and leaders of any sort. Manna U has several different certificates and degrees in Divinity and Christian Leadership. The Christian Leadership programs offer foundational principles for leadership from the Christian perspective, including classes such as Ethics, Foundations of Marketing, Introduction to Organizational Leadership, and Psychology of a Leader.


Maybe you think you want to be a lawyer or a doctor. We have alumni who are pursuing those careers now! Before they went to get their education at a secular college they took one year with Manna U to build their foundation in their faith, character, and leadership.


“The internship helped me to build my faith on a solid foundation. I was unsure of who I was in Christ and whether or not Christ was truly the only way to God. If I had not made the decision to join the internship, I’m not sure if I’d even be a Christian. This decision altered my path in life for the better and I wouldn’t be the woman of faith and strong character I am today without it.” Paradise Flowers, Alumna of Manna U’s college internship – theExperience, and currently a Medical Student at Campbell University.


If you want to be a Pastor or Chaplain click here to look into Manna U’s Divinity programs. If you want to be a CEO, work with a non-profit, lawyer, or anything else involving leadership click here to look into our various Christian Leadership programs. No matter what God is calling you to do He wants all of us to be solid in our faith. To accomplish this, Bible Colleges, and specifically Manna U, want to be part of that process in training up today’s world leaders with a solid foundation in faith, character, and leadership!



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