What makes up a Christian Leader?

What makes up a Christian Leader?

Image by *Vlad* https://www.flickr.com/photos/306/319222005/

What is a Christian Leader?


 Successful leadership is not about being tough or soft, sensitive or assertive, but about a set of attributes. First and foremost is character”      — Warren Benni

    At some point in your life you will be required to lead something or someone. It may be a group project in school or an assignment in the workplace. Whatever it may be, you will have a defining moment to step up and be a leader. To do this effectively you must know 5 key traits of a fruitful Christian leader

Traits that a fruitful Christian leader needs are:

  •  Positivity/optimism—– hopefulness and confidence of the future

  •  Integrity— doing what is right when no one is looking

  •  Communication— the ability to convey a message clearly

  •  Confidence—-a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities

  •  Humility—- modest, not arrogant or prideful, not lacking in self confidence (humility is not to be confused with insecurity)

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”
               — Abraham Lincoln


    To keep your team on the right path you must be optimistic even in the face of opposition. When you are thrown a curveball you react in a positive manner to keep your team spirits high. As a leader you must be the one most excited about your project and vision. Your team’s energy is always one level below your own.

    You must also have integrity. As a leader you will be held to higher standards, you will be living in a glass bowl. If you do not have a good moral compass and sense of integrity then you will not be respected. Without integrity your promises hold little value.

    Confidence is key to leading. To cast a vision or purpose effectively you must have confidence in yourself and the direction you are going. At the same time humility is essential. Without humility confidence simply becomes pride or arrogance. No one wants to follow an arrogant leader. Humility however does not mean that you must be insecure. You may acknowledge your skills and talents without bragging about them. Arrogance and insecurity have no place in leadership.

     Philippians 2:3–
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves

    Finally you must have good communication. Everyday you use different communication skills. Whether it is through phone calls, social media, or face to face you will communicate with someone everyday. Good communication is helpful when you are trying to accomplish a task or cast vision to a group. Without the necessary communication skills you will lead everyone into chaos and nothing will be accomplished.

    1 Timothy 4:12–
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. 

    Anyone can and will be a leader. You will face a situation when your character will be tested and you will be required to lead. In such situations these 5 basic character traits will be a key foundation for your success.

“No man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character.” 
                     — John Morle

Written by Belle Szalkowski


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