Student Spotlight: Michael Krieg

It began with an Internet search.  Soon after, he found himself driving 10 hours from New Jersey to Fayetteville, North Carolina.  Though it’s only been a little over a year since he’s made roots in the South, Michael Krieg’s decision to make Fayetteville home has been nothing short of transformational.  Read to find out more about his experience as a student here at Manna University.


Photo of Michael Krieg.

Question: Mike, how did you find out about Manna University?

Michael: On a random occasion of me searching for schools, I found an obscure list of the top 50, 100 – I don’t know – Christian colleges that are affordable and accredited.  And randomly, I went down – I might’ve picked one or two others – and found Manna U. I was doing some pastoral training in advance. I already had an associate’s. I was looking to complete another two years of training through a good college, and Manna U offered a program in which I could do that.  So, I gave them a call and I came down the next week or two.

Q: What’s been most challenging for you as a student here at Manna U?

M: I think what’s been most challenging is working a full-time job and also doing full-time classes.  As a student with a job, I can be much better about scheduling blocks of time for assignments.

Q: What do you enjoy the most about the college?

M: One thing that I love the best is that the teachers are really willing to work with you.  The content you learn in class is intended and designed for real-world application outside of the classroom.  You can get by at any school – even a school like this – and just get the work done, get all A’s, graduate, and be like everybody else, or you can let the opportunities that are before you come in and really transform you.

Something else I really like is how small the school is.  I went to a small school before, but it was a university compared to this college, and everybody knows everybody fairly well.  I don’t really know how large the student body is, but having access to the teachers, being familiar with your peers – that’s a good thing.

Q: What advice would you give someone wanting to become a student at Manna U?

M: Pray.  Pray a lot.  It’s so much better to have God empower you to study and give you those little advantages you need.  He’s really good about helping you out.

So, for you who aren’t too sure if this is where you’re supposed to be, is it fear that is causing that uncertainty, or do you feel like God’s calling you somewhere else?  Is He closing this door, or are you shutting the door because you’re not sure what the walk on the other side is going to be like?

I came to Manna U because I Googled it.  I think God had led me here, and after being here for a little over a year, I’ve seen why He’s led me here and all these cool things He’s done with me and inside of me.  I was really intentional about finding out what God’s will for me was. For me, it was to go to a place in North Carolina I never heard about before – never heard about, ever, in my life.  From that, He confirmed time and time and time again where He wanted me to be.



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