Each individual has a specific call from God; understanding that is key for mission work. My identity is in Christ and that I am a daughter of God above anything else. What you do and your leadership has to come out of who you are in Christ.
– Rebecca Allup
At Manna University, we often talk about Emerging Leaders. In our mission statement, in our classrooms, and even on a t-shirt or two. But what we don’t discuss as often is why— what is our end goal in all this? Are we just equipping leaders because it looks good on a résumé, or because we like to print degrees? The reality is, something bigger is at stake.
We’re here to change the world.
Sounds like a tall order, right?
That’s because it is. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus tells his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, a Commission we take seriously at Manna U. It is our goal as a place of Biblical higher education to complement the discipleship efforts of the local church through biblical training, practical ministry, and personal development. Fundamentally, we want to equip emerging leaders to advance the Kingdom of God both domestically and internationally, whether or not that involves full-time vocational ministry.

So where are we?
Since our foundation in 2000, Manna U has trained leaders from twenty countries on five continents, many of whom are involved in ministry in their home countries. Our current students are involved in both full-time and short-term ministry in fifteen countries. We have a partner school in Latin America which serves as a training center for church-planting in rural areas, which recently graduated its first class of students. Even still, we aren’t satisfied. Christ has called his Church to step-up and make disciples, so we know there is still plenty of work to do.
Student Spotlight: Rebecca Allup
Rebecca Allup, originally from Caracas, Venezuela, has been with Manna U for several years. After completing her B.A. in Divinity with Manna U, she continued to pursue her M.A. in Christian Leadership, which she is scheduled to finish-up this Spring. While a student at Manna U, she has had the opportunity to participate in overseas mission work in Guyana, Brazil, Colombia, and Honduras. Regarding her time at Manna U, she says: “Manna U laid the foundations to understand ministry/missions from a biblical perspective.” While a student, she has been heavily involved in assisting with our partner program in Latin America; grading papers, providing student support, serving as a Teaching Assistant, and translating as necessary.
Where do we go from here?
We realize there is much work yet to do for the Kingdom, and of course Manna U is not the only organization involved in world evangelization, but where do we go from here? With such a big vision, we realize that it isn’t about us and what we can do, but who God is and what He can do through you.