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Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies

This program of study engages students in biblical studies for personal development, biblical literacy, and preparation for a career in ministry with a focus on Scripture.

Dive into the content and context of Scripture.

This program is ideal for people who want a deeper understanding of Scripture in an academic setting. The courses required for this program focus on the Bible, in addition to general education and elective requirements.  In addition to the 121 credit hours of academic studies, students are required to fulfill the Leadership in Action requirement.

  • Educate (Biblical and Theological Acumen): Students will have a profound understanding of biblical texts and their contexts, critically engaging with the Word of God to explore humanity's alienation and redemption through Christ.
  • Equip (Effective Communication and Analytical Skills): Students have the knowledge and ability to articulate theological concepts clearly and persuasively, preparing them for roles that require teaching, preaching, and engaged dialogue within both church and academic circles.
  • Empower (Practical Ministry and Leadership Experience): Students will have basic practical ministry experience and the tools for transition into impactful careers in ministry or further theological studies.

Time & Cost

Many people would like to complete a degree and stay out of debt. 

The Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies program requires 40 courses + Student Orientation (or 121 credit hours), which can be completed in 3-4 years for full-time students. Courses are offered on-campus or online (can be entirely online). Manna U’s low tuition rates enable students to receive solid biblical training from accomplished faculty with years of ministry experience and not be hindered financially.

2024 - 2025 Undergraduate Tuition Rate

$230 per credit hour


Scholarships are available for students who do not use military education benefits or federal financial aid.


Full details can be found in the most recent academic catalog.

Student Orientation

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
ENG 107 Undergraduate Student Orientation 1

Bible & Theology Nonelectives

Students Must Complete All Twenty-One Credit Hours

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
BIB 100 Destiny and Calling 3
BIB 101 Old Testament Survey 3
BIB 103 New Testament Survey 3
BIB 104 Hermeneutics 3
BIB 201 Writings of John 3
THE 101 Introduction to Theology 3
THE 301 Kingdom of God 3
Total Credit Hours: 21

General Studies Nonelectives

Students Must Complete All Twenty-One Credit Hours

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
ENG 111 College Writing 3
ENG 112 Research for Writing 3
HST 110 World History I: World History to 1500 3
HST 120 World History II: World History Since 1500 3
MIS 301 Cultural Anthropology 3
MTH 211 College Mathematics 3
SCI 310 Biology 3
Total Credit Hours: 21

Personal Formation Nonelectives

Students Must Complete All Six Credit Hours

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
CLG 201 Spiritual Formation 3
LEA 220 Mentoring and Coaching 3
Total Credit Hours: 6

Bible & Theology Electives

Select Any Nine Credit Hours

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
BIB 301 Synoptic Gospels 3
BIB 302 Pauline Epistles and Leadership 3
BIB 303 Book of Romans 3
BIB 330 Book of Revelation 3
BIB 401 Book of Mark 3
BIB 411 1 Peter: Socio-Rhetorical Interpretation 3
ELE 109 Transfer/Substitution Elective (with Approval) 3
HUM 110 Survey of Biblical Literature 3
THE 103 Introduction to Apologetics 3
THE 104 Apologetic Issues for Cross-Cultural Engagement 3
THE 201 Systematic Theology I 3
THE 202 Systematic Theology II 3
THE 300 Writings of the Church 3
Total Credit Hours: 9

General Studies Electives

Select Any Twelve Credit Hours

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
CNS 110 General Psychology 3
CNS 120 Human Growth & Development 3
ELE 101 Transfer/Substitution Elective (with Approval) 3
ELE 102 Transfer/Substitution Elective (with Approval) 3
ELE 103 Transfer/Substitution Elective (with Approval) 3
ENG 201 The Writings of C.S. Lewis 3
HST 302 History of Great Leaders 3
HST 320 History of Missions 3
HUM 101 Introduction to Fine Arts 3
HUM 130 Communicating to Oral Cultures 3
MTH 230 Introduction to Statistics 3
PHL 101 Philosophy and Worldview 3
PHL 102 World Religions 3
Total Credit Hours: 12

Open Electives

Select Any Fifteen Credit Hours

Select Any Fifteen Credit Hours

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
CLG 145 Leadership Practicum I (a) 1.5
CLG 146 Leadership Practicum I (b) 1.5
CLG 211 Church Life 3
CLG 247 Leadership Practicum II (a) 1.5
CLG 248 Leadership Practicum II (b) 1.5
CLG 270 Facilitating Leadership and Growth in Others 3
CLG 282 Personal Growth and Leadership 3
CLG 351 Changing the World by Making Disciples/Mentoring 3
CLG 401 Pastoral Ministry 3
CLG 410 Homiletics 3
CLG 480 Church Growth 3
CNS 201 Counseling I 3
CNS 220 Psychology of a Leader 3
CNS 230 Research Methods 3
CNS 302 Marriage & Family in Society 3
ELE 104 Transfer/Substitution Elective 3
ELE 105 Transfer/Substitution Elective 3
ELE 106 Transfer/Substitution Elective 3
ELE 107 Transfer/Substitution Elective 3
ELE 108 Transfer/Substitution Elective 3
GRK 305 Greek I(a) 1.5
GRK 306 Greek I(b) 1.5
LEA 210 Christian Leadership 3
LEA 310 Introduction to Organizational Leadership 3
LEA 330 Foundations of Marketing 3
MIS 130 Concepts in Leading Short-Term Missions 3
MIS 200 Missions and the Local Church 3
MIS 201 World Missions 3
MIS 202 Intercultural Communication I: General Focus 3
MIS 311 Intercultural Communication II: Middle East Focus 3
MIS 312 Intercultural Communication II: U.S. Indigenous Populations Focus 3
PHL 120 Philosophy of Leading Teams 3
Total Credit Hours: 15




B.A. in Biblical Studies Major Courses

B.A. in Biblical Studies Students Take the Following Courses as a Part of Their Major

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
BIB 220 Defense Against the Dark Arts 3
BIB 230 Book of Genesis 3
BIB 240 Book of Psalms 3
BIB 301 Synoptic Gospels 3
BIB 303 Book of Romans 3
BIB 307 Wisdom Literature 3
BIB 401 Book of Mark 3
ENG 495 Senior Seminar & Capstone 3
GRK 305 Greek I(a) 1.5
GRK 306 Greek I(b) 1.5
LEA 201 Ethics 3
THE 201 Systematic Theology I 3
THE 202 Systematic Theology II 3
Total Credit Hours: 36


To become a student at Manna U, follow these two steps:

1.  Complete an application, which includes:

  • A non-refundable application fee of $50 (linked to application)
  • An essay, written by the applicant, of his/her conversion experience (300-600 words), in a format that is typed and double spaced, using 12 pt. font size;
  • A Pastoral Reference* from the Pastor of the church that the applicant regularly attends;
  • A Personal Reference* from someone who has known you for two years or more and is not related to you.
    Applicants will enter an email address for their selected references and a link to the online reference forms will be sent once the application is submitted.

In addition, Doctoral students require:

  • At least three years of ministry experience and must hold an appropriate master’s degree plus no less than 15 credit hours in Bible or Theology from a regionally or nationally accredited college or university.
  • Additionally, students will be interviewed by the Chief Academic Officer before acceptance.

2.  Order your official high school, G.E.D., or previous college transcripts (minimum 2.0 GPA is preferred for Undergraduate Applicants, and a minimum 2.75 GPA is preferred for Graduate and Doctoral Applicants).

Note: official transcripts are sent directly from one school/college to another. You can arrange to have your transcripts sent electronically to registrar@manna.edu, or a paper copy can be sent to our mailing address:

Manna University
Attn: Registrar’s Office
439 Westwood Shopping Center
PMB 106
Fayetteville, NC 28314

All applicants applying for admission to one of Manna U’s graduate programs must submit official transcripts showing an earned undergraduate degree from an accredited institution, or an equivalent academic achievement approved by Manna U’s Academic Office. Students who plan to use military education benefits must submit transcripts from high school and all colleges attended.

Students who plan to use military education benefits must submit transcripts from high school and all colleges attended.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What can I “do” with a Biblical Studies degree?

    This degree is ideal for any number of people interested in studying the Bible in an academic context. Our Certificate in Biblical Studies is ideal for those who want to get right to studying the Bible, but don’t want to take general education courses. Our Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies is the traditional undergraduate degree for students who want to study and apply the Bible. Our graduate degrees in Biblical Studies is ideal for those in Pastoral Ministry who preach or teach, those interested in a career in Biblical Studies or Theology, or those who already have a Bachelor’s Degree and want to know more about the Bible.

  • Does this degree require you to take a Biblical language course?

    It depends entirely upon your degree level. Certificate in Biblical Studies students are not eligible to take any biblical language courses, whereas some higher degree levels require Greek, Hebrew, or both. 

  • I just want to know more about the Bible. Is this degree program right for me?

    If your main interest is learning more about the content and context of Scripture, then one of our Biblical Studies degrees would be perfect for you! The Certificate in Biblical Studies is designed for undergraduate students seeking to know more about the content of Scripture, while our Graduate Certificate and Master of Arts degrees in Biblical Studies are designed for those who already have a Bachelor’s Degree and want to study at a deeper level.

Student Story

Effective Leaders Bring Lasting Impact

Jesus chose twelve leaders who were from differing backgrounds. Many religious leaders in that time would have overlooked them. Through teaching and training, He prepared them to lead a movement that changed the world. Whatever your call may be, training at Manna U can help you engage in this kind of transformational leadership.

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