Online Bible College Courses

Online Bible College Courses


online Bible Courses

What Courses do you offer online?

Almost all of our courses you can take online. Two of Manna University’s (Manna U) degrees are offered fully online, which are the Associate of Divinity and Bachelor of Divinity. However, we have other degrees and certificates that you can take fifty percent online; visit our website for more information about our degrees and certificates.

We have both 16 week and 8 week-long courses. The 8 week-long courses are shorter yet more intense, condensing the material of a 16 week course into half the time. Many of our students will take an 8 week course in our A term and another in our B term. This allows the student to still finish the same amount of classes but be able to focus on one course (or less courses) at a time, allowing more focus and study time on a specific topic compared to several at once.

Associate and Bachelor of Divinity Degrees

These two Divinity degrees are suited for students who are interesting in obtaining additional training for the purpose of serving and leading the local church. They both are aligned with three specific disciplines: Biblical Studies, Theology, and Practical Ministry. The Associate consists of 54 required credit hours and 6 electives relevant to leadership and ministries. That would be a total of 60 credit hours plus the fulfillment of the Leadership in Action requirement. The Bachelor however, consists of 96 required credit hours and 24 electives relevant to leadership and ministries. In addition to those credit hours, the student will be required to fulfill the Leadership in Action requirement.

These are the two degrees that are offered one hundred percent online, for more information  visit our website at

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