Online Bible College: Annie Fletcher’s Experience

Online Bible College: Annie Fletcher’s Experience



Annie Fletcher is Senior at Manna U who has had experience with online Bible courses. She completed two years of theExperience Internship and is working on her Bachelors of Christian Leadership Degree. After all the discussion about Online Bible College, in this blog you will learn more about her experience with Manna U as an Online Bible College.

How did the Online Bible College help you with your daily responsibilities and time management?

For Annie, taking online Bible courses helped her with her diligence by letting her divide her assignments however she wanted to, which made it easier to get the work done. Annie is a person who loves working independently and taking classes online made that happen. She said that it was easier for her to manage her time this way because she could get everything done on her own time.

What is your favorite thing about online classes?

The fact that she did not have to sit in class for hours was something that made her life easier and more productive because sitting in a class, believe it or not, it was harder for her to stay focused compared to doing the lessons on her own. For Annie it was hard for her to sit in class for hours, it was easier to get distracted and not pay attention, but when she was able to do her work and lessons by herself it was easier to concentrate because she was able to divide her work in sections and do it with her own style.

What is your least favorite thing about online classes?

There was only one small thing Annie did not like, and it was the fact that she did not have face to face interaction with her teacher. One fact about online classes is that you can interact with the professor almost all the time, but rarely in person. For her, it was difficult at times because it is easier to get instructions in person.


Online classes are a great opportunity to get your degree and be able to manage your time how you would like to. If you are interested in taking online classes here at Manna U visit our website

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