Building Better Leaders Faster
Program Outline
The outline of this program for the Fall 2024 cohort is as follows:
Fall 2024 A-Term
CLG 201- Spiritual Formation
A study of devotional literature throughout the centuries related to spiritual disciplines, also known as healthy spiritual habits.
THE 101- Introduction to Theology
An introduction to systematic theology that includes basic vocabulary and foundational theological concepts.
Fall 2024 B-Term
BIB 100- Destiny and Calling
A class devoted to the discovery of God’s callings on the life of a student, including how to help others discover their callings.
BIB 111- Introduction to Hermeneutics
This course explores the basics of the art and science of biblical interpretation and application. Students are introduced to the concepts, tools, and technologies used in sound exegetical methodologies
Spring 2025 A-Term
BIB 110- The Life of Christ
This course is a detailed study of the life and ministry of Jesus from the perspectives of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Attention is given to the parables.
CLG 401- Pastoral Ministry
This course is an introduction to the day-to-day responsibilities of the pastor and gives practical teaching on the challenges encountered daily in shepherding God’s people.
Spring 2025 B-Term
CLG 410- Homiletics
This course gives basic instruction in the preparation of teachings and sermons. Techniques for developing a powerful pulpit ministry are presented and applied.
THE 103- Introduction to Apologetics
This course will help you respond to the honest questions and doubts which believers and unbelievers have about the Christian faith.
Summer 2025 A-Term
CNS 130- Introduction to Counseling
A general introduction to Christian counseling, including an overview of current trends in counseling theory and practice and its application in public, private, and church settings.
THE 301- Kingdom of God
This course is a study of the teachings of Jesus on the essence and form of the Kingdom of God.
Enrolling in the Multiply Church Leader Program
General Tuition Rates
1. Fill out the fields below.
2. Check your email for the full application.
3. Order official high school or college transcripts.
4. If accepted, we will help you enroll in your first courses.