Manna U Offers Study Abroad Opportunity

Manna University continues to expand learning opportunities beyond the classroom by offering our first-ever international study tour. In April 2024, students will join Professor Frank Brazell and President Dr. Carlo Serrano for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to study abroad in London and Southeast England for one week. This study tour is being offered in conjunction with a new course, HUM 210/MMIN 506- Western Europe Study Tour. This three-semester hour course is available to Undergraduate students and to Graduate students in select programs. Students will spend the Spring 2024 semester studying the Middle Ages, English Reformation, and English Civil War through a number of primary and secondary sources, before traveling to London to experience the places and events they have studied firsthand. Students will spend four days in London, and will have the opportunity to experience Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London, and the British Museum. Students will also take a one-day trip by bus to visit Canterbury Cathedral in Southeast England. 

Students interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity can contact Professor Brazell, or can sign up for one of our Fall Info Meetings here.

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