Manna U Partners with Manna Church


Manna U Partners with Manna Church


          Manna University is a very unique college in North Carolina in that it partners closely with a church. Manna Church is a 9,300 member mega church located in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Many of the professors who teach at Manna U also are on the pastoral staff at Manna. Dr. Crowther, the president of Manna U, is an elder with Manna Church. Mrs. Bermudez , the financial aid administrator, attends the Hispanic service with her family. Her father is the pastor at the Hispanic service at Manna.

Manna University has become the pipeline for leaders at Manna Church. Michael Fletcher, senior pastor at Manna Church, was in the first graduating class of Manna Christian College (now Manna University)  before going on staff at Manna. Many other men and women involved in Manna have come through Manna U to gain knowledge of ministry, missions, worship and leadership. Just recently we had a united event with Manna Church where many leading community members such as the mayor of Fayetteville and the mayor of hope mills came out. Some school principals and the superintendent came and participated in a friendly game of Family Feud. Many influential leaders came to speak to the students at this event and Dr. Crowther was among them.

Manna University and Manna Church also partner in a very unique way with the Experience Internship. The Experience Internship is a way for students to grow in faith, character, and leadership. Manna U values these characteristics and allows students to earn college credit while completing an internship. One year in the  Experience Internship earns a certificate in Christian Leadership. Those who complete a second year earn an Associates in Christian Leadership. Interns attend classes at Manna U and gain ministry experience so they can further develop in their faith and leadership. Interns serve at Manna on Sunday mornings through Children’s Ministry, Greeting, or Host Team. They also have different tracks they are involved in such as Worship, Leadership, Outreach, Children’s Ministry, and Manna U Track. In each of the tracks the interns gain skills and knowledge in that particular area.

Manna U and Manna Church are very connected, they partner together to build faith and increase character for everyone involved. They share many professors and pastors and quite literally share a campus. Manna Church and Manna U are similar in many aspects, chiefly in their desire to equip and empower leaders. They work together to see the Kingdom of God advanced in the Cape Fear region and beyond. 


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