Manna University Spring Banquet


Manna University Spring Banquet




     Manna University is hosting its Third Annual Spring Banquet on Saturday, April 23rd at 6:30 pm. The theme is Chocolate and those in attendance will be served a multi-course chocolate infused dinner. The Banquet will feature Tom Johnson as a speaker and he will share insights from his many years as a missionary, teacher, and pastor. There will be a raffle at the event for a valuable prize package. The proceeds will go to Manna U and its efforts to prepare emerging leaders to change the world by advancing the Kingdom of God through sound biblical training, practical ministry and personal development.

     This is a wonderful event for those wishing to help Manna U advance today’s emerging leaders and to experience great food and atmosphere! Tickets are $20 in advance and are available at the Manna U administrative offices, on the website, or by calling 910-221-2224. Tickets will also be available at the door for $25.


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