Manna U’s Student Life: Student Government Association and Alumni Association


Manna U’s Student Life: Student Government Association and Alumni AssociationFullSizeRender-1.jpg

Annie Fletcher (SGA President)

Patrice Parkinson (SGA Vice-President)

Norica Vernon (SGA Leadership Development Coordinator)

Daniel Colby (SGA Executive Administrator)

Kevin Owens (SGA Spiritual Development Coordinator)

How does the Student Government Association work?

The Student Government Association or SGA, is the voice of the student body. The SGA listens to the students’ ideas and concerns and present them to the administration. They are responsible for creating different events for the students yearly. For example, this year, they came up with a student mixer where we had food, games, prayer and a message. This event was created so that students could bond and build friendships with each other. Some other examples of SGA events that occurred in November included the following: Open Life Night, Community Clean Up (helped the Teague Home for Women), and their annual Pumpkin Bash.

What is the Alumni Association?

Everyone who has graduated from Manna U is part of our Alumni Association. Some of our alumni are part of Manna U’s Alumni Association Committee. This group of people work together with the staff to plan yearly events. For example, this year they are planning a 5K run. Manna U is partnering with the Fayetteville Dream Center to bring awareness and to bring the community together through this run. It will take place at the Fayetteville Dream Center downtown on May 14, 2016. If you would like more information or are interested in helping with this event please contact Stefanie Ertel at



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