Manna U’s Student Life: Chapel


Manna U’s Student Life: Chapel


How often do you offer Chapel?

Chapel is offered weekly on the Manna Church campus and monthly on the Manna U campus. The weekly chapel is where the staff, students, and faculty of Manna Church and Manna U come together on the second floor of the Educational Building of Manna Church. It takes place every Monday from 9:00am to 10:00am. Here we worship, pray, and hear the word from different speakers.

The monthly chapel however, takes place once a month in classroom 109 on the Manna U campus from 4:20pm to 5:20pm. Here the Manna U staff, faculty, and students gather together to hear a message from our President Dr. Crowther. We worship, pray, have snacks, and bond while Dr. Crowther mentors us. This chapel is called the 16:20 Chapel after Romans 16:20. It also relates to the time chapel takes place which is 4:20 in military time.

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