Manna U’s School of Worship

Manna U’s School of Worship

School of Worship

The School of Worship offers a Certificate in Worship Leadership. This certificate is a one-year program that includes thirty credit hours of academic work and an extensive music practicum in the students’ area of specialization. Students may choose either instrumental, vocal, or dance specialization in this school. The students involved in this program will be required to participate on a Worship Team at a local church at a designated time. This program puts in place the musical talent of our students.

We are working to make our worship program better with updated courses that include even more practical experience in production, sound, and real-world worship leadership. These new courses and practical experiences will begin in the Fall of 2016.

Student Experience: Gideon Holman

Once I graduated from theExperience with a certificate of Christian leadership, I decided to go to the School of Worship at Manna U. What made me want to go into this branch of Manna U was the fact that their School of Worship seemed more well-rounded than that of other Christian colleges I’ve researched. At other colleges, their worship program included two Music Theory classes, a worship class thrown in there that mainly focused on stage presence, and some music lessons. While Manna U does have Music Theory and Worship Leadership classes under their curriculum, they also offer a leadership class based off of Tim Elmore’s Habitudes book series, multiple theology classes, cultural anthropology, and a practicum that’s focused on learning how to use your vocals, how to direct the band, how to use the top tech gear for modern worship, (ableton, logic Pro X, and Looptimus) both leading the worship team onstage and offstage. I’ve only been through this program for a year now, but because of how well-rounded the program is and because of the dedication of the teachers I have, I feel like I am more equipped to lead a group of people in worship to Jesus through the vehicle of music. Although going through a worship program is good on its own, I would strongly suggest to anyone that, while going through the School of Worship, you join a worship team at a local church. Doing this will give you extra credibility, because not only will you have the knowledge of the worship leader, you will also have practical experience.

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