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Manna U School of Divinity

School of Divinity

Manna U’s School of Divinity consists of two degrees, Associates of Divinity and Bachelors of Divinity. This school is suited for those who are interested in leadership, and specifically pastoral and church leadership. The courses are aligned with three specific disciplines: Biblical Studies, Theology, and Practical Ministry.

Student Experience, Bachelor of Divinity: Rebecca Allup

“My experience at Manna U has been unique. The classes have certainly equipped me to the calling that God has for my life and for my daily walk as a Christian. My teachers have challenged me to give the best of me in everything I do. I see each one of my classes as an opportunity to be discipledby my teachers and to learn from them. I have the great privilege to participate in mission trips a couple times a year to Honduras and Colombia with Frontline Missions throughout 2016, an organization that Manna U plugged me in with during my very first semester in the school. Being part of such a missionary organization has been life changing. I’ve been working with this organization since 2013 and the combination of mission trips and classes has been unique because everything I learn I can readily put into practice.”

Students who are interested in leading a local church and/or ministry just like Rebecca attend this school to receive  more training and experience as leaders.



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