Manna U Alumni Student Experience


Manna U Alumni Student Experience

The Expereience Student Ministry Internship

During my time in the Experience internship with Manna U, most of my classes took place in class rather than online. I remember having a hard time becoming acclimated to the online courses because they were structured differently. After the internship, I moved back home to Roanoke Rapids, NC and continued my education completely online. Immediately, I ran into an issue – I was unable to find all my required courses in online form. Because of the issue, I had to call Manna U to find out if any of my electives could substitute for a required class. Luckily, a couple of my previous classes substituted for prerequisites.

Year 1! So on the top left of the picture, you will see some of my friends I grew up with. These guys were my life, and still are. But after a series of God moments and a lot of tears, the Lord directed and CONVINCED me to do theExperience internship with Manna U. I didn’t want to do it, but I’m glad I did. After a series of events, God broke my will, and I quickly fell in love with the people and ministry at Manna U and Manna. The people in the second photo are the interns I now call my lifelong friends. They mean so much to me. God took us to Costa Rica (bottom left picture) and showed us what he was doing over seas and brought us together as a team. Then after a lot of blood, sweat, tears, and coffee, we made it through our first year of the internship and we were radically changed people. When I look back on this year, I clearly see that this year was a time of building foundations! God took everything I had built my life upon beforehand and completely shattered it. Then He built a new foundation in me and taught me that you can only grow as tall as you are deep. These words end up being the basis of all to come in the future, because little did I know of the terrors that lay ahead of me in the next year of my life! More on that in the next post! To be continued…! @captainseaturtle #internship #theexperience #changed #neverthesame #ministry #friends #coffee

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Year 2! So this was the year I dread and love them most. After wrestling once again with God, He convinced me to do the second year internship, which means more responsibility, school, people, and gallons of coffee. The years set up was pretty much the same as before, but the challenges were different. You know the story when Jacob and God wrestled? Do you remember how God touched Jacobs leg and it came out of socket? Well during this time, I was wrestling with God, and He touched me in a sensitive spot. He touched my identity which left me completely and utterly a wreck! I had no idea who I was anymore and I could hardly make it through the days. But I learnt so many things that year, and it became by far the most important year of my life thus far. So here are a few tid bits I learnt. The first lesson is that no matter how lost you are, you are always a child of God first, and the rest second. The second lesson is that where you have been and who people say you are does not define you, God defines you. The third lesson is that you can either let brokenness control you, or let brokenness humble you so God can lift you up through His power and Grace instead of opposing you. Matthew 23:12. The last lesson is that even if you are as lost as an Easter egg, and your identity is unsure, the Lord our God who knitted you and fashioned all your parts together knows who you are exactly. And that, my friends, is a solid rock you can rest on. You don’t always have to know the answers. But you do have to rest in Gods truths. And in that place God will reveal who you are. #theexperience #internship #year2 #important #jesussaves #redeems #heknowsyou #helovesyou #restinhim #pureunabridgedmajesty

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 Online Bible College

I cannot say that doing four to five classes online every semester has been good for my health, especially early on. The process is very stressful and time consuming. However, after two semesters, I got the hang of online study and was able to reduce my study time by a couple hours. Because of the similar course patterns in almost ever class, I began to find a rhythm, and work became easier as I became a better student. My grades have been better through online classes, and that is important to me. I believe the online courses have forced me to study and pay attention more to detail as opposed to being in class with people. I realized that I do not retain information being spoken to me as well as information read and written about.


Year 3! So, after I graduated the internship the Lord opened the door for me to move back home and take over as the youth coordinator. So I did, and I continued to work on my bachelors degree online. But I'll tell you what, online school is hard!! I've spent more hours reading and writing in one year than I did in two years in campus! Sometime I just want to jump off a cliff, but I refrain ?. But in the end, all the hard work is worth it! I have fallen in love with the youth in the Church and they make my life awesome! I pretty much have the coolest job in the world. I get payed to have fun and teach kids, plus the occasional road trip! But the year has also had its challenges as it should. God really challenged me to step out my comfort zone and to do more adventurous things. So as a result I have gotten into hiking, long boarding and I even took a group of 30 from the youth group skiing practically on my own! That was tough! And as you can see, I have a lot of pictures of only a few of my adventures from that year. But through it all, I learned the most about Gods timing. I watched a lot of my friends gain things I have been desiring for a long time. And it's been a challenge to not get jealous, but I know that jealousy doesn't get you anywhere. My patience and trust in God has grown tremendously, and the biggest lesson I've learned is that a good thing at the wrong time becomes a bad thing. Therefore you must wait for the right thing in Gods timing, whether that be love, marriage, career, kids, purpose, promotion, (insert desire here). Isaiah 40:31 "but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Just wait on him, and He will carry you. #waitonhim #helovesyou #jesusissustainingme #year3 #worklife #pureunabridgedmajesty

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Bible College Student

Because of my experience with online courses, I do not believe online classes are for everyone. Some people learn much better through lectures, and others learn better with reading and writing assignments. If you are like me and learn by reading and writing, then online classes are for you. But, if you learn by listening to a teacher, then online courses may not be the best decision for you. However, you have to do what must be done in order to obtain your education. If you work hard no matter what your learning style is, then online classes are worth the extra work.


Year 4! So this year is my last year of college, and in many ways it has been the most challenging. It is not that school or even the work is the challenge, but it's the loss of friends… Sort of… Many of my closest friends have ventured off into their first year of college and I have been left here at home, lonely at times. But as my friends have left to start their own adventures, I have gained a whole new generation of kids in our youth group and I have learnt the value of adding value to others. And the biggest challenge is to help transport the culture that made the previous group soo amazing into these new youthees. But it's a good challenge. Yet, as I am coming to an end in this part of my journey, I am nervous and yet excited about the next steps. I don't have a clue what those steps are, but if I have learned anything in the past 4 years is that what ever God leads you to, it will always be great and worth it. I also feel a strong need for Gods wisdom because I need it. So I've dedicated this year to gaining wisdom with my whole heart. As a matter of fact, the scripture tells us to seek wisdom "Get wisdom; get insight; do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth." And I know that the wisdom of God is going to direct my steps in the coming future. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6 God has got me! No worries ? #wisdom #timing #friends #growing #proverbs #trustinthelord #helovesyou #pureunabridgedmajesty

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Final post! So this has been a fun ride, but all good things come an end! I just want to give a couple final thoughts to end the night. So I'm playing my favorite guitar, her name is Nessa Rose. (Don't judge). I call her Nessa Rose because Nessa means pure and Roses are beautiful. So the name means Pure and Beautiful. ? I like that picture and I strive to find the pure and beautiful things in this world. They come in many shapes and are in each person. But the most pure and beautiful things are the workings God does inside of you. The question is can you draw them out? The hearts of man are like deep waters, and it takes work, patience, love, and the Holy Spirit to draw them out. So my final advice to you is to seek out the pure and beautiful things that God is doing inside of you and others, and capitalize on those deep workings. Be aware of what God is doing in you and others and always ask yourself how you can participate with God in what He is doing. Selah. Alright! Enough from me! God bless you all and continue to seek God in all you do! #gcdtakeover #fun #selah #Jesussaves #Jesuschangesus #gcd #pureunabridgedmajesty

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