Devotional by Senior Norica Vernon


Devotional by Senior Norica Vernon


             This is Norica Vernon’s devotional. She was born and raised on the island of Jamaica but currently calls North Carolina home. She is a US Army reservist, a mother, a senior at Manna University and an active volunteer who devotes her free time to serving the Lord, whenever possible.

The one thing I’ve come to know and understand after more than 10 years in the Army is assignments. My first job as a reassignment clerk was to issue orders for soldiers and ensured that they were properly distributed. A TCS is a temporary change of station also known as a deployment. These were short intense assignments. You stayed where you were but left and came back. A PCS is a permanent change of station, a permanent assignment. These were short or long but you were gone from where you were last not knowing if you were to return there or not. Coming to Fort Bragg I knew it was my last active duty assignment. I felt it, I knew it deep within me and that was 5 years ago. The Holy Spirit told me so.

As Christians we are always on assignment not necessarily places but people. In the Great Commission, Jesus issued our orders. Some assignments are temporary could be a few minutes, months or even few years. Other assignments are permanent these are the people God places in our lives to always intercede for or for us to make a difference in their lives. In the Army we don’t always choose or like our assignments. It is the same when God gives us our orders, we don’t always like or choose the assignments but we have to follow them. And when God gives us an assignment, there is no rejecting or deleting it. I’ve been on probably my hardest assignment to date for a while now and I’ve wanted God to amend or delete it but it’s permanent, so I am going to make the most of it. I encourage you to prayerfully seek God about your assignment and ask Him to give you what you need to make the most of it. After all He did say He would be with you always and nothing can top that.

Be Blessed,



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